Vol. 8 No. 2 (2017)
Research Article


Gianfranco Battisti
University of Trieste, Department of Humanistic Studies, Trieste, Italy

Published 2017-01-01


  • Globalisation,
  • European unification,
  • geopolitical models

How to Cite

Battisti, Gianfranco. 2017. “ICONOGRAPHIES OF GLOBALISATION”. European Journal of Geography 8 (2). https://www.eurogeojournal.eu/index.php/egj/article/view/293.


In this paper we assume that there are two ways towards globalisation: one through a regional
clustering of states projecting their integration process so as to gradually absorb the
neighbouring ones, and another through a multi-centered development acting at the same
time on the global arena. The former type is exemplified by Europe's unification, whose final
extension, contrary to our expectations, is not limited to the European continent. The latter
one appears instead shaped by the activity of multinationals.To describe these processes, both
articulated in their phases, we have prepared to series of graphical models, that can be
fruitfully used to conceptualise globalisation in the classroom.


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