Gamification in geography. Use, appropriateness and proposals according to university students in Spain

Published 2024-06-01
- gamification,
- appropriateness,
- educational resources,
- university students,
- geography
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Copyright (c) 2024 Alvaro-Francisco Morote, María Hernández Hernández

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Accepted 2024-06-01
Published 2024-06-01
Gamification awakens interest and motivation for teaching Geography. The objective of this study is to analyse the use, appropriateness and proposals according to university students in Spain. Methodologically, we surveyed 125 students (Geography, History, Humanities) in the subject “Geography of the world regions” (2022-2023). The results indicate that both the knowledge of the meaning of gamification and of the learning resources is low. Respondents report a limited use of gamification (56.8% in schools and 55.8% in universities). With respect to the appropriateness of gamification, the opinions are notably positive (for example, serves as an ideal tool to assist students in mastering course materials). However, regarding the student proposals, the half of the participants (52.0%) do not mention any proposals which may limits the application of this innovative technology in the instruction of university level Geography courses.
- Gamification awakens interest and motivation for teaching Geography.
- The knowledge of the meaning of gamification and of the learning resources is low.
- The appropriateness of gamification is notably positive (assist students in mastering course materials)
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